The article Copyrighting Che overviews the causes, reasons, and results of the Cuban government allowing the free The Cuban government, in this border area of cultural economics, granted Cuban artists certain property rights regarding their intellectual labor that gave them an elite status compared to the average Cuban laborer. The economic impetus - the intellectual … [Read more...]
Digital Media Activism: Anonymous
Responding to "The New Digital Media an Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements" by Jeffrey Juris In his piece on digital media activism, Jeffrey Juris makes three points about anti-corporate globalization movements and their use of digital media networks: Movement networks are locally rooted, but global in scope. Anti-corporate … [Read more...]
Cultural Imperialism: Get off Your High Horse Western Society
This week's reading was one of those pieces that really make you consider your ego. What Ang's work (though her methodology was a little sketchy) really says to the Western world is get off your high horse. Western intellectuals overstating the influence of western capitalist culture on the rest of the world shows that even among those who are concerned about the extent of … [Read more...]
CL: International Korean Pop Star & Symbol of Globalized Pop
If you don't know who CL is, now you know. She's taking music, fashion, and culture by tsunami, and should she continue on her incredible upward trajectory, will be the first female Korean super pop star. BBC released an article 2 days ago noting that CL's new single, "Lifted," reached the "top 30 of iTunes' Hip-Hop/Rap chart within three hours of its release on Aug. 18." … [Read more...]
Oppa Gangnam Style: Korean Culture in the Age of Internet Culture
Doobo Shim's article on the spread of Korean culture across East and Southeast Asia outlines many of the processes and explanations as to why Korean culture specifically became so pervasive among other cultures. The liberalization of media played a major role in directing Korean culture towards an outward expansion. They accepted the importation of American movies (under … [Read more...]