I made a short timeline with some of the key historical events that have shaped South Korean's modern attitude toward plastic surgery. The timeline is easier to view when displayed in full width. You can see the full width version and the rest of my project on its subdomain: plastic.violetdegnan.com The project has two main components: an art project, titled "GIRL … [Read more...]
Social Media & Networked Social Movements: Kitchenware & Occupy Wall Street)
Annie Brockett, Violet Degnan and Sarah Mellin Here are the readings: Juris, Jeffrey S. "The New Digital Media and Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 597 (January 2005) Castells, Manuel. "Occupy Wall St: Harvesting the Salt of the Earth." Networks of Outrage and Hope: … [Read more...]
Tristram Stuart TED Talk: Food Waste on the Personal, Local, and Corporate Scale
Tristram Stuart’s TED Talk on food waste did a great job of breaking down the layered ways that food is wasted across the globe. Not only do we waste food everyday on a personal level, but supermarkets waste pounds upon pounds of edible food. On an even larger scale, large farms and corporations waste massive amounts of food, throwing it away if it is deemed … [Read more...]
Yes Men: Irreverence and Performance Art for Combatting Global Corporations
In Chapter 73, Vandana Shiva discusses how developed countries export toxic waste to less developed countries since it has become economically cheaper to ship the waste than pay fees within the home country to properly dispose of it. 2,000 tons of hazardous wastes were being "generated every day in India without adequate safe disposal sites," at the time Shiva wrote the … [Read more...]
CL: International Korean Pop Star & Symbol of Globalized Pop
If you don't know who CL is, now you know. She's taking music, fashion, and culture by tsunami, and should she continue on her incredible upward trajectory, will be the first female Korean super pop star. BBC released an article 2 days ago noting that CL's new single, "Lifted," reached the "top 30 of iTunes' Hip-Hop/Rap chart within three hours of its release on Aug. 18." … [Read more...]