What are the Olympics nowadays?
https://www.canva.com/design/DACGhgO-WvU/R0I9aiI3Tnbi06DosNWT-A/view?utm_content=DACGhgO-WvU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton Can't get the actual thing to download and paste into the post, here's the link. Hopefully that works at least and y'all can see the whole thing. … [Read more...]
Streaming Moonlight (2016) English Subtitle
Moonlight (2016) Full Movie Online Watch Free , English Subtitles Full HD, Free Movies Streaming , Free Latest Films. Quality : HD Title : Moonlight. Director : Barry Jenkins Release : October 21, 2016 Language : en. Runtime : 111 min Genre : Drama. Synopsis : 'Moonlight' is a movie genre Drama, was released in October 21, 2016. Barry Jenkins was … [Read more...]
To the Moon and Back: Debt and Money
As I was watching the debate and reading Karen Ho’s article “Situating Global Capitalism’s: A View from Wall Street Investment Bank,” the topic of releasing Trump’s taxes came up, as well as his debt to international banks and companies, which supposedly totaled around and maybe over 650 million. That number, though not only unbelievably high, is confusing on how it is actually … [Read more...]
What is a race if only one person competes?
As Tyler Cohen goes over in his article “Why Hollywood Rules the World, and Whether We Should Care,” American movies are globally dominant. A variety of reasons that coincide with the rise of technology in movie productions being conducive to American filmmaking techniques explain why Hollywood is king. Hollywood being king is kind of scary considering the history of a king’s … [Read more...]