With the influx of Chinese immigrants comes the emergence of Chinese-American community and identity. And yet, when asked what exactly defines the Chinese-American identity or when prompted to even Google "Chinese-American identity," vague responses appear, often times lumping Chinese-Americans into the massive entity of Asian Americans. What is the Chinese-American identity, … [Read more...]
“Don’t Speak Chinese? Twinkie!”: Bilingualism and Authenticity among Chinese-Americans
Over the past few days (or years, rather), I've struggled with understanding the differences among Chinese-American communities and whether or not there is such a thing as a pan-Chinese identity or even one definitive Chinese-American identity. Oddly enough, I cannot define Chinese-American identity, and more often than not, I see the Chinese-American identity being lumped … [Read more...]
Rejecting Locavore
Wouldn't you feel more comfortable knowing where your food came from? I bet it would serve even more of a comfort to know the good-hearted farmers that grew the crops you used to cook with. As Americans become more health conscious the next step would be to be globally and locally conscious as well by eating and buying local produce. There are many ‘pros’ to eating local … [Read more...]
Eat Locally: A Movement Resisting the Globalization of Food Production
RESISTING GLOBALIZATION CASE STUDY Alice Curchin, Joel Boone, Kiana Barry Around the world, people commit to buying local food. Local food improves the local economy and benefits the health of consumers. In a global food system, large corporations control production and consumption of food. People committed to eating local goods call themselves “locavores.” There is a … [Read more...]
Davidson Dining Goes Local
The Davidson college farm, located off of Grey Road, began this semester as a place to grow food exclusively for the college dining services. It currently grows lettuce, cilantro, spinach, and has the growth of numerous other veggies, berries, and plant products in the works. Although it is far to small to support the entire Davidson College community, it hopes to offer a … [Read more...]