I found "Copyrighting Che: Art and Authorship under Cuban Late Socialism" by Ariana Hernandez-Reguant informative and educational. Her piece touches upon conflicts of which I was completely unaware and also provides a survey of the recent evolution of socialism in Cuba. Hernandez-Reguant uses the lawsuit a Cuban photographer undertook over the extensive use (which prompted … [Read more...]
Digital Media Activism: Anonymous
Responding to "The New Digital Media an Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements" by Jeffrey Juris In his piece on digital media activism, Jeffrey Juris makes three points about anti-corporate globalization movements and their use of digital media networks: Movement networks are locally rooted, but global in scope. Anti-corporate … [Read more...]
Anonymous & Op Trump
While fascinated by hacktivism and Anonymous operations, they confuse me horribly. Some of the missions are certainly easier for me to grapple with than others. One operation that I can definitely understand, at least at the surface, is Op Trump. Back in March of 2016, Anonymous "leaked" otherwise accessible information (basically attainable via a simple Google search) … [Read more...]
Why Does it Sound like a Movie?
Despite my fourteen years of academic education, I have not formally learned about hackers and media trolling as a global movement until now. Hell, I haven't even informally learned about it. The most I've learned about hacking has been through movies like the Jason Bourne Series, James Bond and other FBI and CIA cinema experiences that paints hacking like an easy step toward … [Read more...]
Oppa Gangnam Style: Korean Culture in the Age of Internet Culture
Doobo Shim's article on the spread of Korean culture across East and Southeast Asia outlines many of the processes and explanations as to why Korean culture specifically became so pervasive among other cultures. The liberalization of media played a major role in directing Korean culture towards an outward expansion. They accepted the importation of American movies (under … [Read more...]